Dr. Hector Sarmiento (New York, New York)

Dr. Hector L. Sarmiento graduated with a degree in Dental Medicine from the Universidad Cuauhtemoc in Mexico, where he then received training in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. He received his American dental license from the University of Rochester. Dr. Sarmiento also received his specialty certificate in Periodontics and his Masters in Oral Biology from the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated with honors. During his training Dr. Sarmiento was named the J. George Coslet scholar and received the Directors award upon his graduation by the University of Pennsylvania where he now serves as an Associate Clinical Professor in the Postgraduate Periodontics Department. He currently practices in his prestigious Manhattan periodontal practice where he offers minimally invasive, cutting edge procedures to his patients.

Because of the extensive research Dr. Sarmiento has completed on diseased dental implants also known as Periimplantitis, he is often called upon by other dentists and dental specialists to help treat patients with this existing condition. He is one of the few specialists with the ability to treat all degrees of periimplantitis. Dr. Sarmiento is well respected by his peers for his ongoing work and dedication to curing periimplant diseases.

Board Certifications:
Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology (Board Certified)

Honorary Awards:
Honorable Award – Universidad Cuauhtemoc (Mexico).
Strong Star Award – University of Rochester.
George Coslet Scholarship Award – University of Pennsylvania.
Directors Award – University of Pennsylvania.

Proud Member of:
American Dental Association
New York County Dental Society
New York State Dental Association
American Academy of Periodontology
International Association for Dental Research